Friday, February 21, 2014

Prepping Your Home for ALL the Seasons

I don't think anyone would argue that one of the simplest (and least expensive in the long run) ways to live a greener life is to make sure that your home is as efficient as possible when it comes to fulfilling its primary purpose: providing a climate controlled shelter for you and/or your family.

Though #Snowpocalypse2014 may be behind us here in Chattanooga (maybe), that simply means that Spring and Summer are on their way, followed by plenty of heat and humidity.

Appropriate slogan is appropriate.

To find out tips about how you can prep your home for ALL seasonal conditions, take a look at this article over at The Real Estate Book, a forum for discussion about real estate.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


AP Energy Writer

NEW YORK — After two years of flat or lower fuel prices, many residents will pay sharply more to heat their homes this winter, according to government forecasts out in early Ocotober. There are a number of ways residents can blunt the expected rise in heating bills — beyond putting on a turtleneck.

Think of the sun as a heater, and your drapes as a blanket: Open drapes when you are getting direct sunlight, then close them at night to keep heat from escaping.

Make sure the damper in your fireplace is closed when you aren't using it.

Keep air vents clean and uncovered so heat can easily flow throughout your home.

Shut off kitchen fans and bathroom fans as soon as they are no longer needed.

It takes more energy to heat water in cold weather. You can lower the temperature of your water heater a bit and still get a hot shower, and use cold water to do laundry and rinse dishes. Also, insulate pipes that move hot water around the house. Click here to read the full Article by Jonathan Fahey